5 Backyard Medicinal Plants (and how to use them)
For years, we've been cultivating and harvesting medicinal plants right from our own backyard and infusing them into the skincare products which has become our passion.

Surly Girl Body Butter vs. Lotions (who will win this epic showdown?)
We're about to spill the tea on why body butter reigns supreme over your average, run-of-the-mill lotion. Brace yourself for a revelation, brought to you by the skincare rebels at Surly Girl.

Suds, Sass, and Silky Skin: Unleashing the Magic of Cold Process Soap with Surly Girl Soap
At Surly Girl Soap, we don't just talk the talk. We invite you to dive into the captivating world of cold process soap.

Hair Tonic? Yes, Hair Tonic! We’ve got the low down on this game changing product.
Our hair oil is made with a blend of olive oil, castor oil, and a magical infusion of herbs chosen for their hair growth and retention properties.

Rachel Carson: Champion of the Environment and Catalyst for Change
Rachel Carson, an extraordinary environmentalist and writer, dedicated her life to protecting our planet's delicate ecosystems. Through her groundbreaking book "Silent Spring," she exposed the dangers of pesticides and initiated a powerful movement for environmental regulation. Carson's unwavering commitment and courageous advocacy continue to inspire generations in their efforts to preserve our natural world.

10 Skincare Mistakes to Avoid in your 40’s (and beyond)
In this post, we'll discuss 10 ways you can do the right thing for your skin now!

Happy October 11th a.k.a Happy Ada Lovelace Day!
Ada Lovelace Day (ALD) is an international celebration of the achievements of women in science, t...

Marie Curie & The Curious Case of the Glowing Uranium
Marie Curie was a scintillating figure in the field of chemistry and physics pioneering research on radioactivity and discovering polonium and radium.

Hypatia- The OG Surly Girl
Hypatia of Alexandria
First thing's first- Hypatia was the OG Surly Girl. Born around 355 AD, Hyp...

St. Hildegard Von Bingen
What didn't this badass Mother Superior do? Hildegard von Bingen was a polymath (her knowledge s...